We have workshops regularly every 2 weeks in french.
We offer them twice during the year in english.
If you know of anyone in your family or friends who might benefit from this workshop, please foreward this information to them.
You will be giving them the greatest gift your friendship can offer.
The workshop is essential to your chiropractic care. It will help you to better determine the type of care best suited to your needs, to better understand the adjustments and to improve your clinical results.
Level 1 Workshop
- Defense posture: causes, effects, how to recognize it
- Different strategies of care available
- Healing Model versus Correction Model
- 4 paradigms of health
- Somato-Respiratory Integration exercices
Following the workshop, we will give you the opportunity to schedule an appointment for a free examination and consultation.
To register for our next workshop: (819)777-0577
Level 2 Workshop: Healing and Transformation
Each level of care requires a specific consciousness and precise physical transformation objectives. In this workshop, you will experience and learn the steps to this new consciousness.
Level 3 Workshop: Awakening
You will learn how to achieve, keep and maintain this new level of consciouness. This new skill will allow you to define certain essential components to your own individual mission.
Level 1 Somato-Respiratory Intergration Exercices
You will learn the first two stages out of twelve steps to healing. You will discover how your breath, your movement, your touch and your focus, when put all together, creates a consciousness that is mandatory to all healing processes.